Filament13mo ago

Base design for 'make:livewire-form' forms?

Is it possible to use the base theme from the filament panels on custom forms created using php make:livewire-form?
4 Replies
awcodes13mo ago
Not directly. If you aren’t using panels, there is no concept of theme. But in standalone application the FilamentColor, etc still works in a ServiceProvider. You just need to set up your stylesheet in a similar way that use the Filament preset in your tailwind.config.js file.
CGMOP13mo ago
Understood. Thank you! If I did want to utilize the theme from Panels for a guest (non-auth) facing page/form, would it make sense to create a new panel without any auth checks and just build a custom page there?
awcodes13mo ago
Panels require a logged in user. So, if you want non authenticated routes I would use a separate tailwind config that still references the filament preset. And just use standard laravel routing. Keep in mind there is a difference between authorization and authentication. But a stylesheet built on tailwind can still reference the same view files during the build process. Maybe on stylesheet has some unneeded classes but it not the end of the world.
CGMOP13mo ago
That sounds reasonable, I'm going to give that a shot. Thank you Adam.

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