Can you get a skin for free?
Hey Ive been wondering if theres anyway to get skins in the game for free. I have seen some on the agent pass thing, like a shorty skin but is there also a way to get like a Vandal skin for free or something? I am underage and unable to buy Valorant points, also I dont wanna ask my parents to buy me some. Does anyone know if you are able to get a vandal skin or knife for free?
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@zyrotnix you can try microsoft rewards - every 2 months or so (if you are active) you can redeem a 475vp riot giftcard. this twice and you got a first "free" skin
38 Replies
You just gave yourself away buddy
i am aware of this kind of stuff

i wanted to know if there are any other ways to obtain skins
Buying VP
@zyrotnix you can try microsoft rewards - every 2 months or so (if you are active) you can redeem a 475vp riot giftcard. this twice and you got a first "free" skin
or even the battlepass
ohh thats a thing okay nice
yeah ive always done microsoft rewards on robux or stuff ahah
okay thanks
how does it look like? I dont see anything riot or valorant related, i feel like its not availabe in my region

But theres no ript
there is
oh wait
did it get removed?
i think so
i cant find it
Just roblox
anyways, doesnt really matter. you can still just redeem amazon and buy a riot giftcard from there
yeah just roblox aha
ah alright thanks
but the amazon way is just gonna take a bit longer i suppose
cuz it takes more points
Theres no amazon as well
For me

which region are you in?
yeah :peepogermany:
I dunno then
for me its there

Ill try it on my laptop later
some weeks ago i had league of legends on there :OKAY: worked in Val too
good to know
:yes: "here is your (bonus?): giftcard for league of legends - 575 RP"
redeemable in LoL, TfT, Legends of Runeterra and Val. for val 575 rp = 475VP