How to also save a thumbnail when uploading a file?
Right now I am uploading files via FileUpload() but I would also like to create thumbnails as well alongside. I don't need to see thumbnails in filament admin or set ups extra stuff.
Ideally I would like to add some suffix like "-thumbnail" to the file that is identically named but just smaller in size e.g. 300x200 instead of 3000x2000.
How to do that in Filament? Is there any hook I can say that after upload, go and resize that uploaded file using GD or something and save it as the original file - meaning with the identical name but add the suffic "-thumbnail" so I can target it easily in the frontend.
1 Reply
Look up model observers in Laravel that will be the best place to do this and would also allow you to delete the images if the record is deleted.