How to enable PR preview of PR committed from fork repository to main repository?
Project id: 888a6ace-acaa-4873-80f7-c809e10e5346
As shown in the figure, when a PR from another repository is created, Railway can prompt that the user needs to be added to the team before the PR preview can be started. But this doesn't work in my own repo, I'm currently using the trial version of Railway.
37 Replies
Project ID:
have you added the user to your project?
Do you mean the github project or the railway project, I added both
is it the same email? github and railway
If I don't have permission, won't the railway app prompt me, but I can't even see the prompt
oh you arent even seeing the railway bot comment on the pr?
I can only see the railway bot's comments if my head branch and base branch are both from this repository
do you not have pr environments enabled?
yes, i enabled
then this might be a pro or hobby only feature
are you able to create pr envs if you where to open the pr on your own repo?
I can see the PR preview comment when I opened a PR where the destination branch and head branch both are in this repository
But if the head branch is from other fork repository, I can't see the railway comment
i just dont think thats how it works then
add the user to the repo and then ask them to make a pr
yes, I added the user to the repo and the user created a pr, but this can not trigger PR preview
and the user's pr was made from the same repo?
Look at the picture, when the head branch of this PR is from another repository, railway bot has no comments
but its working when the user youve added is making a pr from the same repo?
I didn't try this. When I created a pr on my own repo(head branch and base branch are both from my own repo), PR preview was triggered.
okay so it works, I just don't think it works when the pr isn't created from the repo itself
Yes, but I see that this PR in your repository triggers a PR preview, the head branch of which is from another repository.
does the user have their github linked to their railway account
isn't that your own account?
This is another account, my test account
I found another account that is in limited trail, is this the reason why I can't trigger PR preview?
This account is created by another user
thats a good possibility, yeah
I would like to confirm in that whether the requirement I just had is already implemented in your product. Because our team is interested in using the tool for PR preview, and we can subsequently upgrade the pro-paid plan
I don't work for railway, but I can flag the team for you
Thread has been flagged to Railway team by @Brody.
thanks a lot
fwiw only pro users would get direct support from the team, unless it's a platform issue
You need to be on the team
You can use the previews if you're on a team plan (any project in the team), or you've been invited to a project and are a member of it
Can a PR preview be triggered even if the PR is from a forked repository (the head branch is from a forked repo and the base branch is from the repository that is tied to Railway)?
This is what I'm interested in as well
Is there a way to configure this manually?