
I am writing to bring to your attention a concerning issue regarding the use of a program called "Bypass" within your game. It has come to my notice that this program allows individuals playing on computer simulators to connect and play on mobile servers, potentially granting them unfair advantages. Through my observations, I have encountered players openly admitting to using this program and boasting about their ability to play on mobile servers while using a computer simulator. This raises questions regarding the permissibility of such actions within the game's community guidelines. I would like to inquire whether the use of this program is permitted or prohibited according to your policies. If it is indeed prohibited, I am curious as to why action has not been taken to enforce this prohibition and ban users who are found to be in violation. Furthermore, I possess evidence supporting my claims, including video recordings and other documentation, which I am willing to provide to aid in your investigation of this matter. I believe addressing this issue promptly is crucial to maintaining fairness and integrity within the game environment. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to your response. Thank you for your time and consideration.
1 Reply
Quendi13mo ago
Hello, @kimyaro! Use of any kind of unauthorized third-party software designed to modify or interfere with the game is a direct violation of PUBG MOBILE's terms of service and will result in an account suspension. Please report cheaters through the report feature in the score/spectate section at the end of every match or in the statistics section of their profile via friend search. This is the best and most efficient method to inform the security team and receive in-game notifications regarding suspended cheaters. You can also submit a report through If you encounter any cheating content online, please report online PUBG MOBLE cheating content through Thank you for trying to help create a clean environment for the game. Feel free to let us know if you have any further questions.

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