When I connect to my domain I have error 522 (Connection timed out)

Hi, My domain stop working yesterday. I see in page "Connection timed out", Error code 522. I don't know how to fix this. Please, anyone could you help me? It's very important.
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9 Replies
AIOP•13mo ago
My page working since 2022 and this day is dead :x
Erisa•13mo ago
Where is the website hosted? That's not a web host that's Cloudflare nameservers. Cloudflare may not host your website if you just use Cloudflare, it may be acting as a proxy. To reframe it differently: Are you using Cloudflare Pages/Workers to host your website, or an external origin webserver?
AIOP•13mo ago
Ahh... Ok sorry, now I understand... external webserver
Erisa•13mo ago
In that case the error indicates an issue connecting to the webserver, there are some things you can try here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/support/troubleshooting/cloudflare-errors/troubleshooting-cloudflare-5xx-errors/#error-522-connection-timed-out
AIOP•13mo ago
It's possible that after one day it's not working? When he worked for 2 years straight and everything was fine?
Erisa•13mo ago
Anything is possible if there is an issue on the host side 😅 I would look into the points on that doc to start with As it notes:
Error 522 occurs when Cloudflare times out contacting the origin web server. Two different timeouts cause HTTP error 522 depending on when they occur between Cloudflare and the origin web server: 1. Before a connection is established, the origin web server does not return a SYN+ACK to Cloudflare within 15 seconds of Cloudflare sending a SYN. 2. After a connection is established, the origin web server doesn’t acknowledge (ACK) Cloudflare’s resource request within 90 seconds.
AIOP•13mo ago
Hah... Ok 😅 I am completely inexperienced in this topic, do you think that if I write to the hosting support, will they check these two points for me?
Erisa•13mo ago
That sounds like a good idea You can also try disabling Cloudflare proxy temporarily to see if it works directly (this doesnt mean that its a Cloudflare issue if it works directly, just that the host is not accepting connections from Cloudflare correctly)
AIOP•13mo ago
Hmm... Ok I will try. Thank u for that @Erisa | Support Engineer I wrote to support and they solved my problem. Thanks again for advices! 🙂

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