not found error
i just update v2 to v3 and next i had thiss error. Where will the problem be?
8 Replies
anyone can helpme? i have no idea why its not works 😄
i try php artisan filament:upgrade
also i delete vendor folder and install it again
but i have still this error
Are your routes present for the admin route? php artisan route:list and then check if you have your admin routes maybe? If not you could try php artisan route:clear
there is
when i update v3 next i have this error
before it was working fine
i do also php artisan route:clear but it not works
Im not seeing the admin route in this list...
yep me too d
and what i should do ?
should be something like filament.admin.resources.{resource}.{edit/create/index} etc. Not seeing that one?
i have filament/resurces/ and next resources
but i have not admin
its not necessary i think it was working without that too
Dont know how the v2 version worked but v3 has this structure for the routes. When they are not present then of course you cannot reach the login page... You followed every step from the upgrade guide? What is inside the file AdminPanelProvider?