Portfolio Feedback

Hey, guys I recently finished my portfolio and would like to share the final result here to receive feedback. My idea was to do something a little different and more interactive. Here is the result: https://douglaslc.com.br/
Douglas Lacerda | Desenvolvedor Front-end - Homepage
Olá, Sou Douglas Lacerda! Apaixonado por desbravar desafios e transformar ideias em experiências visuais incríveis. Comprometido em elevar o padrão, trago energia e habilidades para impulsionar projetos com estilo e impacto.
3 Replies
vince13mo ago
Looks great! Some questions: 1) why did you get rid of your personal picture from mobile to desktop? 2) Is the loading screen really necessary? What's up with the ______frontend developer?
No description
dougOP13mo ago
Thanks for your opinion Then... 1) In the future I will add my image, for now I just left it in the cell phone layout 2) I added loading to differentiate a little and it would also be a period to load the images. 3) I put it on initially and liked the ____result
vince13mo ago
got it, makes sense. my only concern is that slow load times (even though it may be aesthetic here) may hurt load times conversions. not sure on the statistics on loading times & conversions with a loading screen tho

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