im very stuck on finding my perfect sensitivity, someone help
Im a wrist player and i have very less space to use mouse, maybe a little less than a mouse pad also, can someone tell how much sensitivity should i have and , wrist players, write ur sensi below
93 Replies
i play with a broken wrist so you just 0.35 to 0.438
Oblivity is an advanced aim training software that provides everything you need to improve your aim! Find your perfect, intuitive mouse sensitivity with Oblivity's sensitivity finder
Bro that low is of arm players 💀
Thanks alot lemme try
I was one of the early supporters for that lol
It works very well! You can find it on Steam
The only way to fond a perfect sense is just to stick to one
i have a broken wrist and i play with this sens
is good
Like actual broken or metaphorically
What dpi?
well yes i have a fractured thumb
Well, once you find one that is comfortable for you, than you can stick with one
700, 800
Oh u good?
who me
its paid
aimlabs is free :D
but it sucks
aimlab is useless
What sens do you use now?
And what dpi?
idk bro i keep changing but its 0.9 rn
aim labs is kinda usefull on val and cs
even at 0.9 i cant do 180 degree turn
That's super high
at one go
i literally have less space than a mouse pad
you know only if i could play valorant i could know what the sensitivity would feel like
If you have to do 180's that often you're playing Valorant wrong
What you want to work on is over shooting or under shooting the targets. If you notice yourself over shooting, turn it down; vice versa. You don't want to focus on 180° degree turns
I just have this much space

My man where's the mouse pad
Your poor desk
I dont have
Oh god
Don't worry I was poor one time too. Use a piece of paper
Question is having no textures allowed/
It works fine
Bro i dont think mouse pad is even gonna fit in this space
Maybe you should fix that then
I cant change my whole desk
By getting a bigger desk or moving your computer over
Come to point
Your sensitivity to be frank is insanely high
I don't even know one person who has gone to a high rank on that high of a sens (other then a challenge)
Then tell
A fix
Use a lower sens, and find a way to get more mouse room
Ill play on 0.4
Is it fine
0.9 is high?
My sens is 1.6
0.4 - 0.5 is good
I also have the same little space like you
You also got less space?
before i was 1000dpi to 1.14
now i am 0.6
i do
small mousepad
but low sens
How to check dpi though
ur mouse?
u can search the name of ur mouse
or the mouse box
If i cant do
180 turn
Is it fine
Lemme guess , ur region is ap?
mostly i cant
Then should i practice 0.4 on wrist
I have exact same mouse as op
Can u come rn and help me
Lets play together
in game?
You're indian?
I mean yes
I see
R u coming
can you wait for like 25 mins
I have to get to dinner
add me
@TurboGlitch ur region is eu or na right
Ur rank @Demon
silver rn
I see
quite low
U got silver
With 1?6
I have reached gold
@Demon @Demon
Then only u can help me
Tell me my perfect sens
@Demon @Demon
Please do not spam ping
just keep increasing/decreasing until you feel its smooth to aim
thats what I did
Its always smooth to aim
But its like
Whenever i aim someone
I gets killed
Before aiming
my tag is #9026
Name : BadheeranXD
Maybe its your reaction time which is slow then?
try aiming at head in deathmatch
I dmg them
I perform good everywhere except comp
Lemme try at 0.4
For first time
Come fasttt
I am back
come dm btw