pubgm give me an explanation

Why doesn't the exquisite 12k2 spray kill me? Why does the second spray not hurt? The video is from the perspective of hitting me from the opposite side
8 Replies
ChiefChippy212mo ago
probably not purple ammo or bad aim or bad internet
Exquisite 12k2 high explosive
ChiefChippy212mo ago
>bad aim
666 Already has hit effects
ChiefChippy211mo ago
i don't think you know how a shotgun works
I know there are 9 projectiles in one round, but I still prefer the exquisite 12k high-explosive round. Bro, my combination is mg3 and dbs or mg3 and s12k
ChiefChippy211mo ago
good so you know all abt how s12k can take 5 (or more) shots to kill if you aim to the side or if enemy has barely any connection to the server
The server latency problem swallowed up the damage from my second bullet.

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