Action Modal little slow in record table

Hi All I have a record with Filament\Tables\Actions\Action, if I click is a little slow before showing the modal, but if in viewPage is fast $table->actions([ Tables\Actions\ViewAction::make(), Action::make('Update') ->requiresConfirmation() ->disabled(fn(): bool => !auth()->user()->can('update_purchase')) ->icon('heroicon-m-pencil-square') ->form([ Select::make('status') ->options([ 4 => 'Success', 2 => 'General Error', 47 => 'Suspect', 3 => 'Refund' ]) ->required(), TextInput::make('sn') ->required() ->default(fn(PurchaseItem $record): string|null => $record->sn) ])->action(fn(PurchaseItem $record, array $data, Action $action) => self::updateStatus($record, $data, $action)) ]) and the method updateStatus public static function updateStatus(PurchaseItem $record, array $data, Action $action): void { (new PurchaseUpdateStatusService())->updateStatus($record, $data, $action); } I added a view to show that and is run in production
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