is it possible to interface tunnels with workers?

is it possible to make calls from workers to tunnels without necessarily exposing the tunnels directly to the internet via a domain?
18 Replies
Erisa13mo ago
Not really, the closest you can get is protecting the tunnel hostnames with Access and adding a Service Token as a secret to the Worker
ecc0OP13mo ago
very interesting, i haven't worked with Access at all. can you give a quick summary of how that would be done? is there a library available to the workers that works with Access?
Erisa13mo ago
You just create a Service Token: And then add the ID and secret of the token to your Worker env/secrets and send all your requests with CF-Access-Client-Id and CF-Access-Client-Secret headers Its not the most perfect security in the world (relies on a static secret) but its as good as you can get
ecc0OP13mo ago
alright, i've figured out how to create a service token. and I think i can figure out how to set those headers. but how do i set a tunnel to be protected by the service token?
Erisa13mo ago
As an aside, if you do this then make sure the tunnel Public Hostname as the "Protect with Access" option enabled has well as the Access policy existing
ecc0OP13mo ago
ah, i see it:
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Erisa13mo ago
Create a Self-hosted Access application covering the domain and create a policy with action "Service Auth"
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Erisa13mo ago
You can then specify a certain service token in the "additional rules"
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Erisa13mo ago
Or just yolo it and accept any:
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ecc0OP13mo ago
what about session duration?
Erisa13mo ago
Its irrelevant for service auth policies
ecc0OP13mo ago
perfect, going to the tunnel in my browser is blocked. that's expected. tomorrow i will try through the worker
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ecc0OP13mo ago
many thanks :dogekek:
Erisa13mo ago
Yep if the only policy is Service Auth then you get the nice Forbidden page
ecc0OP13mo ago
this is very convenient
Erisa13mo ago
There is also a setting to redirect it to another page instead Under "Non-identity failure block page" in the Access application settings
Hello, I’m Allie!
Can’t you also just WAF block everything that isn’t your Worker?
Erisa13mo ago
Sure but you won't have the same added protections that you get from an Access JWT

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