An issue when creating string[] elements

I'm getting an error: DatabaseErrorException: ERROR: column "images" is of type text[] but expression is of type text; Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression. For the following code:
const newListings = []
const newListing = {
images: [...Array(8)].map(() => faker.image.url()),
await db.insert(listings).values(newListings)
const newListings = []
const newListing = {
images: [...Array(8)].map(() => faker.image.url()),
await db.insert(listings).values(newListings)
I'm using aws rds data api
31 Replies
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
This is the schema
export const listings = pgTable(
images: text('images')
.default(sql`'{}'`) // Empty array
export const listings = pgTable(
images: text('images')
.default(sql`'{}'`) // Empty array
@Angelelz @solo
Mykhailo•13mo ago
Hi, @Vision2023! Do you use Aurora PostgreSQL or just PostgreSQL?
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
Aurora Postgresql
Angelelz•13mo ago
Can you show the resulting SQL query? You can pass logger: true to the options when instantiating the DB object
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
Query: insert into "Listing" ("createdAt", "description", "digitalListingId", "handle", "id", "images", "isDeleted", "isDigital", "isDraftListing", "isPersonalizable", "listingId", "marketplaceIntegrationId", "personalizationInstructions", "personalizationRequired", "personalizationResponseCharacterLimit", "physicalListingId", "propertyImageBasedOnId", "shippingProfileId", "tags", "title", "updatedAt", "userId") values (default, :1, default, :2, :3, :4, default, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10, :11, :12, default, default, :13, :14, :15, default, :16) returning "createdAt", "description", "digitalListingId", "handle", "id", "images", "isDeleted", "isDigital", "isDraftListing", "isPersonalizable", "listingId", "marketplaceIntegrationId", "personalizationInstructions", "personalizationRequired", "personalizationResponseCharacterLimit", "physicalListingId", "propertyImageBasedOnId", "shippingProfileId", "tags", "title", "updatedAt", "userId" -- params: [...others, {"name":"4","value":{"stringValue":"{\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\"}"}}, ...others]
Query: insert into "Listing" ("createdAt", "description", "digitalListingId", "handle", "id", "images", "isDeleted", "isDigital", "isDraftListing", "isPersonalizable", "listingId", "marketplaceIntegrationId", "personalizationInstructions", "personalizationRequired", "personalizationResponseCharacterLimit", "physicalListingId", "propertyImageBasedOnId", "shippingProfileId", "tags", "title", "updatedAt", "userId") values (default, :1, default, :2, :3, :4, default, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10, :11, :12, default, default, :13, :14, :15, default, :16) returning "createdAt", "description", "digitalListingId", "handle", "id", "images", "isDeleted", "isDigital", "isDraftListing", "isPersonalizable", "listingId", "marketplaceIntegrationId", "personalizationInstructions", "personalizationRequired", "personalizationResponseCharacterLimit", "physicalListingId", "propertyImageBasedOnId", "shippingProfileId", "tags", "title", "updatedAt", "userId" -- params: [...others, {"name":"4","value":{"stringValue":"{\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\"}"}}, ...others]
@solo any ideas why?
Mykhailo•13mo ago
@Vision2023 I am testing with aws-data api now. With postgres-js driver everything works
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
Thats weird. Lemme try executing raw sql in drizzle I get same error with this:
await tx.execute(sql`
INSERT into ${listings} ("createdAt", "description", "digitalListingId", "handle", "id", "images", "isDeleted", "isDigital", "isDraftListing", "isPersonalizable", "listingId", "marketplaceIntegrationId", "personalizationInstructions", "personalizationRequired", "personalizationResponseCharacterLimit", "physicalListingId", "propertyImageBasedOnId", "shippingProfileId", "tags", "title", "updatedAt", "userId")
VALUES (default, ${data.description}, default, ${handle}, ${crypto.randomUUID()}, ${`{ ${data.images
.map((image) => `"${image}"`)
.join(', ')} }`}, default, ${false}, ${data.isDraftListing}, ${data.isPersonalizable}, ${listingId}, ${
}, ${data.personalizationInstructions}, ${data.personalizationRequired}, ${
}, default, default, ${data.shippingProfileId}, ${`{ ${ => `"${tag}"`).join(', ')} }`}, ${
}, default, ${userId})
RETURNING "createdAt", "description", "digitalListingId", "handle", "id", "images", "isDeleted", "isDigital", "isDraftListing", "isPersonalizable", "listingId", "marketplaceIntegrationId", "personalizationInstructions", "personalizationRequired", "personalizationResponseCharacterLimit", "physicalListingId", "propertyImageBasedOnId", "shippingProfileId", "tags", "title", "updatedAt", "userId"
await tx.execute(sql`
INSERT into ${listings} ("createdAt", "description", "digitalListingId", "handle", "id", "images", "isDeleted", "isDigital", "isDraftListing", "isPersonalizable", "listingId", "marketplaceIntegrationId", "personalizationInstructions", "personalizationRequired", "personalizationResponseCharacterLimit", "physicalListingId", "propertyImageBasedOnId", "shippingProfileId", "tags", "title", "updatedAt", "userId")
VALUES (default, ${data.description}, default, ${handle}, ${crypto.randomUUID()}, ${`{ ${data.images
.map((image) => `"${image}"`)
.join(', ')} }`}, default, ${false}, ${data.isDraftListing}, ${data.isPersonalizable}, ${listingId}, ${
}, ${data.personalizationInstructions}, ${data.personalizationRequired}, ${
}, default, default, ${data.shippingProfileId}, ${`{ ${ => `"${tag}"`).join(', ')} }`}, ${
}, default, ${userId})
RETURNING "createdAt", "description", "digitalListingId", "handle", "id", "images", "isDeleted", "isDigital", "isDraftListing", "isPersonalizable", "listingId", "marketplaceIntegrationId", "personalizationInstructions", "personalizationRequired", "personalizationResponseCharacterLimit", "physicalListingId", "propertyImageBasedOnId", "shippingProfileId", "tags", "title", "updatedAt", "userId"
DatabaseErrorException: ERROR: column "images" is of type text[] but expression is of type text; Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.; Position: 461; SQLState: 4280
DatabaseErrorException: ERROR: column "images" is of type text[] but expression is of type text; Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.; Position: 461; SQLState: 4280
Mykhailo•13mo ago
@Vision2023 your query:
const newListings = [];
const newListing = {
images: [...Array(8)].map(() => faker.image.url()),
await db.insert(listings).values(newListings);
const newListings = [];
const newListing = {
images: [...Array(8)].map(() => faker.image.url()),
await db.insert(listings).values(newListings);
sql: 'insert into "listings" ("id", "images") values (default, $1)',
params: [
sql: 'insert into "listings" ("id", "images") values (default, $1)',
params: [
sql: 'insert into "listings" ("id", "images") values (default, :1)',
params: [
sql: 'insert into "listings" ("id", "images") values (default, :1)',
params: [
also, I executed this and it worked out:
await db.execute(
`insert into "listings" ("id", "images") values (default, '{"","","","","","","",""}')`,
await db.execute(
`insert into "listings" ("id", "images") values (default, '{"","","","","","","",""}')`,
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
Please whats ur schema like. Maybe its my schema
id: text('id')
.$defaultFn(() => sql`gen_random_uuid()::text`)
images: text('images')
.default(sql`'{}'`) // Empty array
id: text('id')
.$defaultFn(() => sql`gen_random_uuid()::text`)
images: text('images')
.default(sql`'{}'`) // Empty array
This is mine @solo
Mykhailo•13mo ago
export const tests = pgTable('tests', {
id: text('id')
.$defaultFn(() => sql`gen_random_uuid()::text`)
images: text('images')
.default(sql`'{}'`) // Empty array
export const tests = pgTable('tests', {
id: text('id')
.$defaultFn(() => sql`gen_random_uuid()::text`)
images: text('images')
.default(sql`'{}'`) // Empty array
Mykhailo•13mo ago
schemas are the samew, I think problem is here
No description
Mykhailo•13mo ago
because when I execute raw query as an example above, everything works out, but when we use query builder and then log query, we can see, that there is :1 instead of $1. In postgres-js you can see this difference So, there is no problem with images in your schema You can create github issue for that or I can do it if you want
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
Ok so the problem is :1 instead of $1? I'm really sorry but I dont really get the issue Maybe the issue lies with the rds data api or sth
Angelelz•13mo ago
Your query doesn't seem right to me. Seems like you're passing a jsonb object? Console log the objects you are inserting. That might be your problem
Mykhailo•13mo ago
I am sorry, I was wrong about :1, but I don't understand now what cause the problem
await db.insert(schema.tests).values({
images: ['a', 'c'],
}); // This will fail

await db.insert(schema.tests).values({
images: sql`ARRAY['a', 'c']`,
}); // This will succeed
await db.insert(schema.tests).values({
images: ['a', 'c'],
}); // This will fail

await db.insert(schema.tests).values({
images: sql`ARRAY['a', 'c']`,
}); // This will succeed
SQL Query:
sql: 'insert into "tests" ("id", "images", "test_field") values (gen_random_uuid()::text, :1, default)',
params: [ '{"a","c"}' ]
sql: `insert into "tests" ("id", "images", "test_field") values (gen_random_uuid()::text, ARRAY['a', 'c'], default)`,
params: []
sql: 'insert into "tests" ("id", "images", "test_field") values (gen_random_uuid()::text, :1, default)',
params: [ '{"a","c"}' ]
sql: `insert into "tests" ("id", "images", "test_field") values (gen_random_uuid()::text, ARRAY['a', 'c'], default)`,
params: []
await db.insert(schema.tests).values({
images: sql`'{"a","c"}'`,
}); // also works
await db.insert(schema.tests).values({
images: sql`'{"a","c"}'`,
}); // also works
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
Ok I just realised the issue is prolly because of rds data api because when I was using postgres-js driver, it was working
Mykhailo•13mo ago
@Vision2023 +, I wrote about it above, but I'm curious whether the problem lies with the Drizzle AWS Data API package or with the RDS Data API.
kieranmch•13mo ago
We're running into this issue too 😦
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
@solo Its an issue with rds data api Lack of support for arrays. However, theres a workaround tho Manually casting the field as an array(text[] in my case) in the query Like
INSERT INTO ..... VALUES (:1, :2, cast(:3 as text[])
INSERT INTO ..... VALUES (:1, :2, cast(:3 as text[])
@kieranmch do u have any workarounds?
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
@solo Thinking of making a lil update to do this automatically for data api in drizzle-orm. I dont think the pr would be accepted tho but at least I can use the fork in my project. Wdyt BTW Source:
GitHub - koxudaxi/local-data-api: Data API for local, you can write...
Data API for local, you can write unittest for AWS Aurora Serverless's Data API - GitHub - koxudaxi/local-data-api: Data API for local, you can write unittest for AWS Aurora Serverless&am...
Mykhailo•13mo ago
@Vision2023 I think you are right, that issue is with rds fata api. parameters: Array parameters are not supported. Also, you can try another workaround, cast js array to postgres array and then pass it to your query:
const arr = [1, 2, 3];

const postgresArray = `{${arr.join(',')}}`;
const arr = [1, 2, 3];

const postgresArray = `{${arr.join(',')}}`;
ExecuteStatement - RDS Data API
Runs a SQL statement against a database.
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
Mykhailo•13mo ago
btw, you can create an issue on github (enhancement tag) for this
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
Ok Will do
kieranmch•13mo ago
We tried the raw SQL solution and it broke the typeHint feature in a horrendous way, the types all ended up getting shifted along one and mismatched with the values Like it was submitting 7 values but only 6 types
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
So what did u end up with @kieranmch
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
@solo @Angelelz This change works for me. Wdyt about it
No description
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
In drizzle-orm/src/aws-data-api/pg/driver.ts
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
[FEATURE]: Add support for inserting and updating arrays in aws-dat...
Describe what you want Currently in drizzle, if you want to insert or update an array, there is a typing issue like this: DatabaseErrorException: ERROR: column "images" is of type text[] ...
[Pg] Add insert/update array support in aws-data-api by livingforj...
Currently in drizzle, if you want to insert or update an array, there is a typing issue like this: DatabaseErrorException: ERROR: column "images" is of type text[] but expression is of ty...
Mykhailo•13mo ago
@Vision2023 Sorry for the late response. If it works, then that's great. It is cool that you've also created tests for it. The Drizzle team will check it as needed or if the opportunity arises.
Vision2023OP•13mo ago
@Andrew Sherman is it possible to get a timeline on how long it'll take sth like this to be reviewed and potentially merged in

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