/usr/bin/ld despite binutils being being installed
So I got an error when trying to install lazyvim, saying ld can't be found. I went to check where i would expect it to be:
tried installing it and was met with the message that:
I checked what this rpm would have installed and sure enough ld should've been under /usr/bin
any idea how i can fix this?
8 Replies
@bsherman Didn't you do something to fix this recently?
@DevilFish303 In the meantime I'd use distrobox for this
may be better for this use case in the first place
I removed the symlinks which were in container image but not referencing anything. A bit different.
I have a solution for this concern if you give me an issue to PR against.
sure, open one shortly and ping you
thanks, @bsherman sorry for the crosspost, i did it several times and nobody had said anything, i thought it was okay. Anyway sounds good ill try setting it up in distrobox for now.
Did you find a solution for this ?
bluefin/workarounds.sh at main · ublue-os/bluefin
An interpretation of the Ubuntu spirit built on Fedora technology - ublue-os/bluefin
But a permanent fix would be nice 🙂
you don't want that workaround in your image. i didn't see the ping from Kyel re the issue he was going to file but i expect we need a workaround on the bazzite image build to make sure packages requiring alternatives framework are installing correctly