Livewire table component searchable() / sortable/filter not working

Hi all, I'm relative new to laraval/filament but i'm learning. (Please be gentle) In the admin panel everything works as expected, the search/filter and sort function all work. I've followed the guide The table does show and at first glance, no issues. However, the searchbar, filter and sort function do not work. I can enter text in the search bar, but nothing happens. Same with the Filter button, can click it, but nothing happens. Visa versa with the sort function. First table i've created manually, the 2nd one with the help of the command that also generates the table (php artisan make:livewire-table Products/ListCircuits --generate) I can only imagine i'm missing something on my blade, i've simply edited the welcome.blade.php with the @livewire('list-ciruits) code. Below is my welcome.blade.php
5 Replies
Arno Bolt
Arno BoltOP13mo ago
In case this is also needed
Arno Bolt
Arno BoltOP13mo ago
To add more information, in the admin panel i can see in the network console when i type something a update is sent and the table is updated. On the livewire compononent (On the welcome.blade.php) I don't see anything happening
dwiser13mo ago
App\Livewire\ListCircuits looks fine as far as I can tell. I don't see @filamentScripts or @filamentStyles in your blade file though. If you're using the full panel install then I'd suggest replacing your welcome.blade.php file with a Filament Resource and generating pages the 'filament' way.
Arno Bolt
Arno BoltOP13mo ago
the @filamentscripts and @filamentStyles fixed the issue for me! Thanks! I am using a full panel install, however i want to have some data on the "normal" pages, so not in the admin panel. Replacing the welcome.blade.php with the filecontents of the filament resource gives me a blank page. Is there another way to get tables from filament on the regular blades?
dwiser13mo ago
You'll have to explain your situation a bit more but typically you'd use filament resources to create the CRUD pages for you. If you want something separate from the admin panel, you can create a "frontend" panel with a bunch of custom pages.

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