Custom text format
Hi there, I am wondering, how could I achieve the following with Filament?
Let's say I have a text that is made of: User ID / Resource ID / Counter
Ie: 500 / 1234 / 1
And the order of the fields can be customizable, ie it can be for some Resource ID / Counter / User ID
Is there a way to preformat text with Filament by using the fields and a pattern or I shouldn't look into Filament for this part?
2 Replies
What is the goal for this?
Don't think you need to look into filament for this.
Is the custom text editable or only set once?
Non editable, auto filled. I looked into it, since theres only a set of amount of fields, I just use regex to check if the format is okay and then use string replace on a model function, when the value needs to be calculated and returned to the TextInput field. Works great.
I was kinda hoping something like that exists in Filament, since it keeps blowing me away with how some things are simple ti make 😁