Filament13mo ago

Custom text format

Hi there, I am wondering, how could I achieve the following with Filament? Let's say I have a text that is made of: User ID / Resource ID / Counter Ie: 500 / 1234 / 1 And the order of the fields can be customizable, ie it can be for some Resource ID / Counter / User ID Is there a way to preformat text with Filament by using the fields and a pattern or I shouldn't look into Filament for this part?
2 Replies
Tieme13mo ago
What is the goal for this? Don't think you need to look into filament for this. Is the custom text editable or only set once?
Prosp30OP13mo ago
Non editable, auto filled. I looked into it, since theres only a set of amount of fields, I just use regex to check if the format is okay and then use string replace on a model function, when the value needs to be calculated and returned to the TextInput field. Works great. I was kinda hoping something like that exists in Filament, since it keeps blowing me away with how some things are simple ti make 😁

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