Too many login attempts Not work.
Too many login attempts
Please try again in 41 seconds.

8 Replies
Maybe reset your password?
NO ,I want to show this notification when enter password five times
Not sure what you are asking
I want to show this notification when I enter my password incorrectly five times
@Alnuaimi So what do you want to know about this?
Just check the code or docs, in the docs there is nothing about ratelimiting so then check the code
Here is the RateLimit in authentication
It will excecute this function
So now what is your question about ratelimiting?
filament/packages/panels/src/Pages/Auth/Login.php at 868a8f0f9ed900...
A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS. - filamentphp/filament
livewire-rate-limiting/src/WithRateLimiting.php at bf16003f0d977b5a...
Apply rate limiters to Laravel Livewire actions. Contribute to danharrin/livewire-rate-limiting development by creating an account on GitHub.
How can overtire it i want to add 3 attempt ?
I think in config required to change these values
public function authenticate(): ?LoginResponse
try {
How can I override the login attempt limit to allow only 3 attempts?
I believe it requires modifying the configuration values. Specifically, I found this method in my code:
public function authenticate(): ?LoginResponse
try {
Currently, it seems to allow 5 attempts, but I want to restrict it to 3.
Does anyone know how to properly override this setting? Should I modify it in the config file or is there another way to implement it correctly?Just Create a custom Login Class that extends the default class and add it it the panel
in the custom login class just override the rate limiting logic (div into the Default Login class to find it)