mfad13mo ago

What do I wear for a date?

I'm going on a date with a friend/crush of mine to celebrate her birthday. I'd like to think I typically dress up well - jeans, sneakers and a button down shirt. However, It is her birthday, and will potentially be our last date together, so I'm trying to see if I should step up my game. We're going to a fancy french restaurant for context. Should I pull out my suit and go all out, or is there a potential better option out there? I come from a background that doesn't have dating culture and I'm not looking to make a fool of myself.
6 Replies
Bigelow13mo ago
Does the restaurant have a dress code? And how do people normally dress to eat there?
Guatemalean Toupee
Yeah maybe scout out the place or ask the restaurant?
ITsupport6OP13mo ago
The restaurant does not have a dress code. I've never been to the place but its upscale-ish
Talbot13mo ago
Go look up the place on Google reviews and look at pics posted from inside, if any You'll see what people are wearing there You could also ask her what she plans on wearing? I'm faaaaaaar removed from the dating game so I don't know if that's no-go criteria. I will say if you show up in a suit and she's far "less" dressed, she'll, or actually you both will feel awkward.
Bigelow13mo ago
You'll also look a bit silly if you're dressed in a suit and everyone else at the restaurant is in t-shirts and jeans
Wear a suit with a tank top

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