Minecraft crashing after clicking play

The game crashed whilst initializing game Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/seibel/distanthorizons/api/methods/events/abstractEvents/DhApiBeforeTextureClearEvent
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86 Replies
PancakeTrades5mo ago
heres the crash report
PancakeTrades5mo ago
im too dumb to understand whats causing it
Certified P. Drizzy
both dh and iris was downloaded from the dh channel in iris dc right?
PancakeTrades5mo ago
i downloaded dh from #links the 1.20.4 one i downloaded iris in
Certified P. Drizzy
how old is the dh build
PancakeTrades5mo ago
dis one
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Certified P. Drizzy
try redownload both dh and iris from iris discord again ig
PancakeTrades5mo ago
i just got it from there like 30 minutes ago ok
Certified P. Drizzy
otherwise it's missing classes required for DH/iris integration, which if you downloaded from those links idk how that happened.
PancakeTrades5mo ago
Certified P. Drizzy
but yeah, test with FAPI, indium, DH, sodium, and iris alone first
PancakeTrades5mo ago
i put this in mods right
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PancakeTrades5mo ago
time to relaunch i replaced both files now it works i guess the files just lost the classes required for DH
Certified P. Drizzy
PancakeTrades5mo ago
ty for the help
PancakeTrades5mo ago
oh btw is it normal for the clouds to be glitchy
Certified P. Drizzy
if w/ shaders, depends on how the shaderpack handles it
PancakeTrades5mo ago
without shaders god i ahte that 25mb limit gimme a sec
Certified P. Drizzy
yeah, cloud renders over the lods is a known issue
PancakeTrades5mo ago
oh ok
Certified P. Drizzy
but should handle properly with shaders
PancakeTrades5mo ago
i hope this short enough
Certified P. Drizzy
vanilla clouds is related to vanilla render distance you might wanna try mods which seperate clouds rd from vanilla rd, or a mod that extends it.
PancakeTrades5mo ago
do u know any mods that does that
Certified P. Drizzy
sadly no, since i didnt use it
PancakeTrades5mo ago
PancakeTrades5mo ago
@Maybike (GMT+7) btw whats with the water and unloaded fake chunks
Certified P. Drizzy
you can try changing overdraw prevention, or FOV to help on that
PancakeTrades5mo ago
i just deicded to change the LOD render distance from 1024 to 256 :P :cou: how much do u recommend :> its currently 0.4
Certified P. Drizzy
no recommendation, just changing it til the problems gone tbh
PancakeTrades5mo ago
Certified P. Drizzy
and dh doesnt factor in zooming so that's why it happened afaik
PancakeTrades5mo ago
alright @Maybike (GMT+7) 0-1 didnt fix the chunk
Certified P. Drizzy
then there's nothing you can do atm since zoom mod isnt accounted for by dh
PancakeTrades5mo ago
im trying it without zooming ;-;
Certified P. Drizzy
then overdraw prevention 0.0 should solve that otherwise, messing with overdraw settings
PancakeTrades5mo ago
@Maybike (GMT+7) wanna see something, its kinda off topic
PancakeTrades5mo ago
funni shadow
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Certified P. Drizzy
everything's working as expected eh
PancakeTrades5mo ago
yup (i ahvent tested shaders that support DH)
Certified P. Drizzy
try it 😉
PancakeTrades5mo ago
yeah im downloading some (2) holy quacmole
PancakeTrades5mo ago
okay maybe the chunks arent fixed yet
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PancakeTrades5mo ago
a single chunk floating and i think its out of my 256 lod render distance
Certified P. Drizzy
you'll have to wait for DH to generate LoDs first increasing cpu load should make it gen faster
PancakeTrades5mo ago
im opretty sure its already done generating
Certified P. Drizzy
no, it doesnt
PancakeTrades5mo ago
oh ok i wont increase cpu load cause sometimes it just brings my fps down to 1, eventually crashing the game
Certified P. Drizzy
i'd suggest turning off shaders, limit fps, turn up cpu load and generate lods with ridiculous distance if you're worry about fps since fps gonna be wonky anyway when it's generating. then turn off DH generator, turn down lods RD, and enjoy (mostly) high fps
PancakeTrades5mo ago
it happens with shaders off aswell
Certified P. Drizzy
PancakeTrades5mo ago
I’ll do it tmrw since it’s almost 1:30am
Certified P. Drizzy
maybe try generating 1024 chunks overnight :cou:
PancakeTrades5mo ago
:cou: it can’t even handle 256 when fully generated Forget 1024
Certified P. Drizzy
it can
PancakeTrades5mo ago
:cou: :cou: :cou: :cou:
Certified P. Drizzy
you're just allocating only 2gb of ram for some reasons
PancakeTrades5mo ago
dang how do I increase that Cause I’m pretty sure I got 16gb ram or 8gb
Certified P. Drizzy
what launcher ur usin
PancakeTrades5mo ago
Minecraft launcher of course The original Using fabric
Certified P. Drizzy
The Breakdown
How To Allocate More RAM to Minecraft Java Edition in 2023
How can you add more RAM to Minecraft in 2023? Well, in this video, we show you exactly how to allocate more RAM to Minecraft, how much RAM you need to give to Minecraft, and even how to check the amount of RAM Minecraft has. So, without anymore delay, here is how to give Minecraft more ram in Minecraft! Get an incredible DDOS Protected Minecra...
PancakeTrades5mo ago
Gpu at 100% but ram only using 2gb??? thanks for vid
Certified P. Drizzy
but i recommend prism launcher instead if you decide to dip your toes in modding stuff in the future
PancakeTrades5mo ago
I just don’t trust 3rd party launchers The only one I trust currently is curseforge and modrinth
Certified P. Drizzy
it's open-source stuff, so other people can at least check in the code
PancakeTrades5mo ago
sorry auto correct
Certified P. Drizzy
curseforge is :cou:
PancakeTrades5mo ago
It was for better Minecraft 😭
Certified P. Drizzy
modrinth is good ig, havent try it yet
PancakeTrades5mo ago
What’s ur favorite shader That is not DH support yet
Certified P. Drizzy
non-dh stuff, nostalgia
PancakeTrades5mo ago
What do u think about illegal shaders
Certified P. Drizzy
ig the IT3?
PancakeTrades5mo ago
I got itt 3
Certified P. Drizzy
stolen code without permission is cringe
PancakeTrades5mo ago
I got itt 2 It was just for fun 🙏 I don’t really use itt
Certified P. Drizzy
i get it, just saying from other perspective
PancakeTrades5mo ago
yeah (I got itt next) shoot, what other illegal shaders are there
Certified P. Drizzy
you can technically make one just yank existing one and do a mild edit on it without permission
PancakeTrades5mo ago
by stealing code ofc (I’m not gonna do that) Ngl itt do make some good edit (Not supporting illegal shaders) Alright ima go now @Maybike (GMT+7) do u think 8gb ram is enough for 1024 chunks cause I am not gonna put 11-16 :>
Certified P. Drizzy
it should work
PancakeTrades5mo ago
I went to watch video I guess I never found out about the ram stuff because I was always using nvidium
Certified P. Drizzy
cortex is a wizard
PancakeTrades5mo ago
He sure is The fact that they’re all real chunks