Would it be fine to wear navy pants with a navy sportscoat of the textures differ?

I've read to avoid pairing navy trousers with a navy blazer as it can look like a mismatched suit. I have a pair of blue wide-wald corduroys and a bluish tweed sportscoat. Given that tweed is hardly ever solidly coloured and the texture is clearly different from the pants, could I pull this off?
19 Replies
chopper14mo ago
This feels like an example of "if you need to ask, probably not".
attemptedchemistryOP14mo ago
I figured if people can wear blue jeans with blazers, this would work fine.
I mean try it and take pics I guess but I think a blazer and jeans sends a different message than what you’re describing
attemptedchemistryOP14mo ago
How so?
In my opinion it reads more intentional to do it with jeans since they are an inherently casual pant Though I am curious how it would play with corduroy since I wouldn’t exactly call them an excessively formal pant I think the texture on the cords would help you out more so than it would if you were to just wear chinos
zeometer14mo ago
pics would help greatly but i feel like there's probably not enough distinction between the two?
But I think if they’re the sameish color it’s over For the same reason why I wouldn’t wear jeans the exact same shade as my blazer
zeometer14mo ago
if the tweed is brownish or grayish with blue then maybe???
attemptedchemistryOP14mo ago
They're very wide-waled, FWIW. Greyish with tints of red.
Try it out and take pics if u want feedback
attemptedchemistryOP13mo ago
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Bit hard to tell those are cords in these photos tbh. Kinda just looks like you’re wearing a suit
chopper13mo ago
I don't think this works.
attemptedchemistryOP13mo ago
R.I.P. Any reason why?
chopper13mo ago
The blues are too similar so it looks like an attempt at a suit. It also looks like an orphaned suit jacket and not a tweed blazer to my eye. Both items have fit issues to my eye. I can't tell they're cords.
attemptedchemistryOP13mo ago
What are the fit issues?
chopper13mo ago
The blazer looks too small (short sleeves and hem, tight waist and sleeves) and the trousers don't hang very nicely in the shot I can see them most clearly. There's a lot of wrinkling and bunching around the knees.
attemptedchemistryOP13mo ago
Do you think the trousers can be fixed with tailoring? You're right about the blazer.
chopper13mo ago
Hard to tell without a better photo.

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