Where do I get the 'PROFILE' in my AWS? I already know my DATABASE, SECRET_ARN, and RESOURCE_ARN but not sure where to get the PROFILE. Here is the link to the docs.
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2 Replies
jhechtf12mo ago
Hello, not part of the drizzle team but I was curious after reading this question so figured I'd respond with some guidance. The PROFILE env variable is which profile you would like to use the credentials of when connecting your to your RDS instance. This requires you to have setup an AWS credentials file at ~/.aws/credentials If you have logged in / used the AWS cli locally you should be able to run cat ~/.aws/credentials and unless I am mistaken you would use any of the values in the [], so if you have a [defaut] entry you would use default as the value. It also states that if the profile value is not specified it defaults to env.AWS_PROFILE or default in case the AWS_PROFILE is not available. If, however, you have another credential in that file you would like to use instead, you would simply supply that name instead by either setting the appropriate PROFILE environment variable, or hard-coding the name (not recommended)
KapatidOP12mo ago
Thanks for the reply! I thought that it was a required thing when using the RDSDataClient.

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