Advanced Room Card Settings

Hello, i have bought 1 Week Advanced Room Card but i don’t really understand what the settings are for. could you guys explain it to me one by one? thank you.
8 Replies
Dewayne Little
Dewayne Little13mo ago
Dear Pubg Team, Recently I have received a message "Your account will be banned for violating regulations unlocks on then it's showing account is disabled. But I had not done any violence against pubg guideline please return my pubg account. The name:VIPxيمنيŪ id : 5445935452
Quendi13mo ago
Hello, @Andy! Can you please share a screenshot of the setting options you are referring to?
AndyOP13mo ago
do you know the advanced custom room settings like "vagua infrmation" "Flaregun" and the others? can you describe each setting options? i don't understand any of it
Quendi13mo ago
We will prepare an answer with all the options and their purpose and get back to you soon, @Andy.
AndyOP13mo ago
Alright, thank you. still not?
Quendi13mo ago
These are the available options in the settings of the advanced custom room with their use, @Andy: Settings Category: - Playzone Shrink Speed: You can increase or decrease the speed of Playzone during the match. You can decrease it to 0.9x or increase it to 1.2x or 1.2x. - Sound Visualization: You can disable to enable the visual elements present during the match related to sound such as foot markers or gunshot markers on the mini map. - Auto Pickup: You can disable or enable the auto pick-up feature that lets you automatically pickup items according to your customized settings. - Auto-Open Doors: You can enable or disable the Auto-Open Doors feature that lets you automatically open doors when you are near them. - No amno when picking up firearms: You can disable or enable this option. With this option enabled, the amno will be pre-loaded in the gun you pick up for the first time. With the option disabled, you will need to reload the firarm you pick up for the first time. Note that this option cannot be changed at the moment in advanced custom room settings. - Aim Assist: You can disable or enable the aim assist feature during the match. - Flare Gun: You can disable or enable flare guns during matches. - Red Zone: You can disable or enable red zone during matches. - Safe zone 1 display time: You can adjust after how much time the display time for first safe zone will be displayed. The display time is shown under the mini map. - Playzone Damage: You can increase the Playzone damage until 2x or keep it as default. - Safe zone 1 diameter: You can adjust the diameter of the first Safe zone. You can keep it as default or decrease it until x0.8. - Safe zone 1 start time: You can adjust the start time of the first zone. The decides after how many seconds the first zone will begin. You can keep it as default or decrease it until 0s or increase it until 420s. - Vague Information: You can enable or disable vague information. With Vague Information option enabled, the usernames of the participants will not be visible in the elimination broadcast. Instead, it will show usernames like Team1Player1. With the Vague Information option disabled, usernames will show normally in the elimination broadcasts. - Show skeleton on death: This option can only be changed with tournament room card at the moment. Will let you know when we have more information regarding this option. Weapons Category: You can decrease or increase the amount of different weapons present in the match. This category includes all these weapon types: Snipe Rifle, AR, Shotgun, SMG, Pistol, Melee Weapon, Crossbow and Throwable. You can decrease the amount of these weapons present in the match until 0x or increase the amount until 3x. Attachment Category: You can decrease or increase the amount of different attachments present in the match. This category includes all these attachment types: Scope, Magazine, Muzzle, Foregrip and Stock. You can decrease the amount of these attachments present in the match until 0x or increase the amount until 3x. Consumables Category: You can decrease or increase the amount of different consumables present in the match. This category includes all these consumable types: Health Recovery Items, Energy Drinks, Fuel. You can decrease the amount of these consumables present in the match until 0x or increase the amount until 3x. Equip Category: You can decrease or increase the amount of different equipments present in the match. This category includes all these equipment types: Backpack, Helmet and Armor. Other Category: In this category, you can decrease or increase the amount of amno and flare guns present in the match. We hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you still have any questions!
AndyOP13mo ago
Thank you so much!
Quendi8mo ago
You're most welcome, @Andy! May I ask what is your numeric user identification, @andyixz?

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