Nuxtβ€’13mo ago

NuxtLink create an a href="", but a click on it doesn't change page, anything happen

My NuxtLink isn't Working :
<td v-if="infoAnalysis.status === 'ready_to_report'">
<NuxtLink :to="`/projects/${projectId}/report-${infoAnalysis.id}`">
<v-btn small fab class="mx-0" variant="flat">
<v-tooltip activator="parent" location="top">
Open report
<td v-if="infoAnalysis.status === 'ready_to_report'">
<NuxtLink :to="`/projects/${projectId}/report-${infoAnalysis.id}`">
<v-btn small fab class="mx-0" variant="flat">
<v-tooltip activator="parent" location="top">
Open report
In the dom it creates an a href= : But in my front, when clicked, nothing happend And there is no error in the console
No description
4 Replies
manniLβ€’13mo ago
a reproduction would be helpful πŸ™‚
Zeeethβ€’13mo ago
Isn't the problem that you've got a button inside a anchor? I think that's almost illegal? 😬
manniLβ€’13mo ago
that is invalid indeed πŸ˜„ also, v-btn should have a nuxt and a to option @BobLamarley
And there is no error in the console
Tripped here, because button in a tag should give hydration errors
FiveDigitLPβ€’13mo ago
It may be invalid, but that shouldn't be causing his problem. In our code, we put NuxtLinks around PrimeVue buttons that render the same as above and they work just fine.

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