All Talent

Can someone help me with getting unbanned from All Talent games please
8 Replies
Zuelle13mo ago
Hey there, @・96・. :4227bearpumpkin2: Thank you for your interest in joining the All Talent event. However, players or accounts with a history of cheating are permanently suspended from participating in All-Talent Championship.
Diletta13mo ago
But what if I played with a hacker and did not know about it? My friend invited someone to our squad, and I did not know they were using hacks. I did not realize it until I got banned for seven days with no explanation. Eventually I found out that that person got banned.
Zuelle13mo ago
Hi, @Diletta. You will not get banned unless you team-up with the player several times. :uwuCat:
Diletta13mo ago
I recall playing with them 5 times, but still I had no idea they were hacking. They seemed to play at a mediocre level where the hack they were using was not obvious to me. It still seems incredibly unfair because I was newer to the game when hackers were so prevalent at the time. It's partly pubg's fault for not detecting hackers earlier, and as a result other players get banned by association which is unfair if they are new like me who would not know any better.
Zuelle13mo ago
We unfortunately cannot assist you further with this. 🥹 Apologies that you have to encounter such type of players.
・96・OP13mo ago
I'm playing this game on this account from day one of releasing the game and i never used any kind of hacks because i dont want to ruin my acc. I totally agree with you it's not my fault i got banned by playing with a player that i met randomly i didn't even know he was using hacks or something and now I'm the one thats banned from playing All Talent matches 😭 I understand that but is there any way to suggest to the Creator's crew to make something for us who encounter with this kind of bad situation 🥺
Zuelle13mo ago
You may create a report in #feedback. :uwuCat:
Diletta13mo ago
No PUBG is useless and only cares about money. Otherwise, they would have made exceptions. Useless.

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