Novu5mo ago

Unknown error when testing Pusher Beams

I have a test workflow that sends a notification via in-app, email, and Pusher Beams. I am able to manually send Pusher push notifications from their debugger, and I receive them in my browser. The device tokens all seem to be set up correct, however when I try to test in the Novu UI I get this screen which has an error icon but no error message.
No description
7 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain5mo ago
Hi @bhann7370 Could you please share the transactionId from activity feed for this event?
bhann73705mo ago
@Pawan Jain Yep! e4105a0d-8293-4341-8d58-dee677cab7fc1 @Pawan Jain any chance of an update on this? For now I've had to give up on Novu and push do push notifications with Pusher manually.
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain5mo ago
Hi @bhann7370 Sorry for delayed response. its a bit strange, I could not find this transactionId from logs. Could you please double-check the transactionId It will be helpful if you could share environmentId also from the settings page
bhann73705mo ago
@Pawan Jain it looks like I somehow added a "1" to the end of the tx id. Sorry! Transaction id: e4105a0d-8293-4341-8d58-dee677cab7fc Environment id: 65c79cbab637cdb23e21c267
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain5mo ago
@bhann7370 Thanks for sharing the updated details. I see we have not stored the error logs for this. Somehow there is some error condition not being handled. Are you getting this error with all triggers?
bhann73705mo ago
@Pawan Jain No I am sending emails just fine. It's just the Pusher one that seems broken.
Novu_Bot5mo ago
@bhann7370, you just advanced to level 1!