Using Drizzle SQLite in a Next.js server component gives error that suggests client side execution

I attempted to do a basic implementation in a Next.js 14.1 app using Drizzle (v0.29.3) and @libsql/client (v0.4.3) based on and get the following error on my local machine when I start next dev.
⨯ ./node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@libsql/darwin-arm64/
Module parse failed: Unexpected character ' ' (1:1)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
> # `@libsql/darwin-arm64`
| Prebuilt binary package for `libsql` on `darwin-arm64`.

Import trace for requested module:
./node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@libsql/darwin-arm64/
./node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/@libsql/ ./node_modules/.pnpm/node_modules/@libsql/ ./node_modules/@libsql/ ./node_modules/.pnpm/node_modules/@libsql/ ./node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/@libsql/ ./node_modules/.pnpm/node_modules/@libsql/ ./node_modules/@libsql/ ./node_modules/.pnpm/node_modules/@libsql/ sync ^\.\/.*$
./node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/libsql/index.js
./node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@libsql/client/lib-esm/sqlite3.js
./node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@libsql/client/lib-esm/node.js
⨯ ./node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@libsql/darwin-arm64/
Module parse failed: Unexpected character ' ' (1:1)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
> # `@libsql/darwin-arm64`
| Prebuilt binary package for `libsql` on `darwin-arm64`.

Import trace for requested module:
./node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@libsql/darwin-arm64/
./node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/@libsql/ ./node_modules/.pnpm/node_modules/@libsql/ ./node_modules/@libsql/ ./node_modules/.pnpm/node_modules/@libsql/ ./node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/@libsql/ ./node_modules/.pnpm/node_modules/@libsql/ ./node_modules/@libsql/ ./node_modules/.pnpm/node_modules/@libsql/ sync ^\.\/.*$
./node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/libsql/index.js
./node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@libsql/client/lib-esm/sqlite3.js
./node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@libsql/client/lib-esm/node.js
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19 Replies
joostschuurOP14mo ago
This specifically seems to happen when a client component includes a server component that makes a Drizzle call. Sample repo: Remove the use client from page.tsx and it runs fine. The error above shows up in both the browser and the terminal, which suggests that despite being made in a server component, it's running in the client? Even if I swap out Turso's @libsql/client with better-sqlite3 I get an error about the fs module suggesting yet again something is being run on the client side. However, if I remove any Drizzle call from the ListSurvey server component and just use a hardcoded array, I get no error and it definitely ran on the server. I don't know under what circumstances a server component might still run code in the browser, but this looks like it might be related to Drizzle?
GitHub - jschuur/drizzle-turso-test
Contribute to jschuur/drizzle-turso-test development by creating an account on GitHub.
joostschuurOP14mo ago
Eventually the results of a server component get rehydrated somehow, right? Could that be related? Same thing when I use Drizzle && Postgres. I'm starting to wonder if Drizzle works in a server component at all. (Next.js app directory)
Startup Spells 🪄 Newsletter Guy
GitHub - deadcoder0904/next-14-lucia-v3-sqlite-drizzle-conform-zod-...
Next 14 + Lucia v3 + SQLite + Drizzle + Conform + Zod + Email Verification using OTP with Next.js Server Actions & Resend - deadcoder0904/next-14-lucia-v3-sqlite-drizzle-conform-zod-email-v...
Startup Spells 🪄 Newsletter Guy
used it in server actions as well
Startup Spells 🪄 Newsletter Guy
my other project used it as api routes. this one has 2 branches so one uses turso & other uses sqlite ->
GitHub - deadcoder0904/next-13-lucia-auth-drizzle-turso-sqlite-magi...
Simple Demo of Lucia Auth using Drizzle ORM, Turso Tech (SQLite) & Resend (Transactional Emails) to make Magic Link Authentication work - deadcoder0904/next-13-lucia-auth-drizzle-turso-sqli...
Startup Spells 🪄 Newsletter Guy
except it uses lucia v2 which is a bit harder than lucia v3 but you probably dont wanna see lucia either. you wanna make drizzle + turso (or sqlite) work which works
Isaiah Smith
Isaiah Smith14mo ago
Hey @joostschuur, so I think this might be more due to confusion around client and server components When you import a “server” component into a “client” components file, you essentially cross over the threshold into “client”-land from that point on (in the import tree) and any code imported is then bundled up and also run on the client. The reason removing “use client” fixes things is because it removes the “client”-land transition and keeps your code running on the server only (which seems like what you want?)
Isaiah Smith
Isaiah Smith14mo ago
Assuming in your actual project you might have some "client" code you're trying to run on the page, and just want to inject some "server" code somewhere, 1 approach is to use composition to put the server component inside the client component - Example:
Isaiah Smith
Isaiah Smith14mo ago
A second way to handle this might be to fetch data in the "page" server component and then pass it to other components via props to handle the display logic (NOTE: data can be passed to either server components OR client components so long as it’s serializable) - Example:
Alt approach - passing data via props by IsaiahByDayah · Pull Reque...
This approach keeps the data fetching inside the "page" server component and passes the data to <ListSurvey /> to handle displaying it. Note, in this case both the page and <List...
Isaiah Smith
Isaiah Smith14mo ago
In either case, the reason youre running into the error and what you want to avoid/be aware of is importing what should be server-only running code into a client component. There are ways to do it (such as with server actions and "use server", but for most situations you can avoid it by refactoring your components / data-fetching. Happy to try and explain things a bit more if you're still running into issues but I also think the next docs might be a good place to learn recommended patterns too!
joostschuurOP14mo ago
@Isaiah Smith This was all super useful, thanks. I thought I understood server components but I guess I didn't. The way you explained the importing/bundling aspect helped me understand the problems and why passing the server component in as children props helps. Thanks again for taking the time to elaborate on this. Going to do some more reading on what happens under the hood, especially in Next.js 14. Also, thanks for pointing me to your example, @deadcoder0904!
Isaiah Smith
Isaiah Smith14mo ago
No problem, glad I was able to help!
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joostschuurOP13mo ago
It always fascinates me to hear Indians mix English and Hindi like this. I grew up in Germany and you'd see the parents talk to their kids in Turkish and the kids speak German back, but this is different. My Indian flatmate used to do this on the phone too. I have the sudden urge to go down a rabbit hole and read up on how this evolved (spoiler alert: colonialism?) and the modern psychology behind it. But I have work to do! I'm working on a site that indexes dev videos (, so I come across this a lot where the video title is English, but the video will be primarily what I presume is Hindi.
Startup Spells 🪄 Newsletter Guy
yeah its known as hinglish. but its good for videos like this. not that my english is bad but his docker video in english/hindi (mostly hindi) was easy to comprehend. plus hindi is commonly spoken so much bigger audience as india has huge population. i think we surpassed china? thanks to their 1-child policy until 2016. that is definitely a cool idea. a feature request: ask visitors to upvote their favorite (recommended) channels like product hunt. can be stored in sqlite. like i know a few youtubers who are rad at explaining things with analogies to the simplest levels. like this guy above or fireship or webdevcody and it does show better results lol ->
Startup Spells 🪄 Newsletter Guy
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joostschuurOP13mo ago
Thanks! The original idea for the site was to produce community managed shared playlists of content that could help people find the right combination of videos for specific use cases. Like '5 Videos to Really Help You Understand Server Components' 😉 I'm going to start looking at strategies for search and I also want to start using AI to build category tags. Will check that article out too. Big work project keeping me busy right now...

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