
Is there a way to use the cluster kind of navigation in the Profile page? I'm struggling. I have tried extending the EditProfile page, then use the subclass in the profile method on the panel page, and specifying the cluster over there, but to no avail. Has anyone done this, or is this not possible?
1 Reply
MelchiorOP13mo ago
So just to be clear, a sub nav would be just fine too! I just want the on-page navigation because my profile contains rather much fields and I want to have a logical distinction between them. Using subnavigation through the HasSubnavigation trait seems to do the trick front-end wise, but then when I want to load another page's content it is a hard redirect instead of just loading the form of that page. For the record this is about plain pages (the profile/EditProfile) and not resources another way i can see would be to use a split layout with 2 sections, one containing actions, and then swapping the view using the actions, but it feels rather work-aroundish Bump

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