A non-numeric value encountered

"message": "A non-numeric value encountered", "exception": "ErrorException", "file": "/home/gridagency/grid.gridagencyinc.ca/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Middleware/ThrottleRequests.php", "line": 156, I am trying to upload an image, Its keep showing this error. Trying to identify the problem.
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The actual stack trace might help. But hard to say what the problem is since it’s getting thrown by the ThrottleRequests middleware. Seems to be a problem with your server or your laravel setup. Doesn’t sound like an issue with Filament.
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6 Replies
.Sifat Kazi
.Sifat KaziOP13mo ago
@support Please help. @Hugh Messenger Can you help please?
Tieme13mo ago
Please read https://discord.com/channels/883083792112300104/1167015843020943390 don't tag people. In the same article it says to share code, so please do that.
awcodes13mo ago
The actual stack trace might help. But hard to say what the problem is since it’s getting thrown by the ThrottleRequests middleware. Seems to be a problem with your server or your laravel setup. Doesn’t sound like an issue with Filament.
awcodes13mo ago
My immediate thought is that it can’t read the ip address. Not totally sure.
cheesegrits13mo ago
Dunno if you are running the same code version, but in my version of Laravel, line 156 is reading the decay time, which I think it derives from your middleware incantation in the route. So make sure you've specified that correctly, like ...
Route::middleware('auth:api', 'throttle:60,1')->group(function () {
Route::middleware('auth:api', 'throttle:60,1')->group(function () {
Or better yet, first just disable the throttle middleware entirely, see if the problem goes away. That would at least tell you where to start looking. Also, please don't @ me. 🙂
.Sifat Kazi
.Sifat KaziOP13mo ago
Thank you for the help. Pardon me. I understand you must be busy. Let me check I will let you know the updates. I think its not a problem with Filament. This might be problem with server config. I think I need to enable an extension.

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