How do I cancel a subscription?
Like, literally, I don't understand. I've contacted support and they said "self service platform", how am I supposed to self service myself if there is no UI to do so?
15 Replies
Which product are you trying to cancel? There should be a cancel button under
If there isn't, feel free to share a screenshot of that page if it helps demonstrate the point

That screenshot shows that the subscription is already cancelled and will end at the next billing cycle date which for your account is March 11th. You shouldn't need to take any more action
Yep, I assumed this too, but it's been like this for at least three months at this point and you keep charging me every month.
Can you share the ticket number please?
If the subscription is cancelled then that should not be happening, I would need to check the account details on the backend to look into whether thats happening
You're welcome.
I can see what you are referring to when I look at the account, I have flagged this with Billing Support and provided them with the internal context. They should reach out to you shortly
Hi @Erisa | Support Engineer
It's the same individual from a different discord account.
Unfortunately, the issue remains unresolved but there were some changes:
1. The format of the name of my invoice changed from CFUSA9999999 to IN-999999
2. The invoice itself looks differently.
I wonder if you could provide me with an update and bump the respective ticket in your internal system.

On a side note, your support portal doesn't seem to work, when I hit Sign In it just refreshes the page.
Please just reply to the ticket and it will reopen or create a follow-up. You can always reply to solved tickets if the resolution wasn't satisfactory
Probably wishful thinking, but I'm trying to circumvent the system and gain an advantage by contacting you instead of the support person.
I don't work in Billing support, but even if I did I would still ask you to reply to the ticket first.