Can't log in

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17 Replies
bozoOP13mo ago
ive tried for 3 days and I still get the same error
swift918213mo ago
Which login method are you using, @bozo? Also, did you try to contact the in-game customer service?
bozoOP13mo ago
swift918213mo ago
Did you try to contact the in-game customer service? Were they able to resolve your issue?
bozoOP13mo ago
none of the options help my case
bozoOP13mo ago
No description
bozoOP13mo ago
that? Hello! This problem can be solved in multiple ways. I will give you three solutions. Please follow the steps for the first solution. If the problem is not fixed, move on to the second solution. If the problem remains unsolved, try the third solution. 1 * Make sure your network environment is in a stable stage. * Try switching your network to (4G or Wi-Fi), and make sure you are in a stable signal area. * Free up some storage on your device. * Try to perform a routine repair of the game from login menu and restart your device. 2 * Try to reset your password and try to log in again. 3 * Try to change your DNS settings. Refer to #faq sub point 4.3 for further instructions in this regard. If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to use the #questions channel. yasser sent me that none of it worked
swift918213mo ago
Choose the "Email Login Issue" option from there.
bozoOP13mo ago
i did but it doesn't come up w anything useful
swift918213mo ago
What does it show?
bozoOP13mo ago
No description
bozoOP13mo ago
my password isnt the issue i dont think its been logged into as i don't share the account details with anyone i dont get that error i get a different error what should i do then i tried downloading on a new device still same issue i can log into my 2 other bot accounts but not my main
delfin13mo ago
Try to change your password one time and try to log into your account again. Also, please do not circumvent inappropriate language filters, @bozo.
bozoOP13mo ago
what you mean inappropriate language filters never get verifiation code
delfin13mo ago
We have an inappropriate language filter in use in the server. Discord's AutoMod will catch messages that contain blacklisted words and prevent them from being sent. Changing or removing a letter of a blacklisted word to be able to send it in a message is a way to circumvent our inappropriate language filters and is something server members should refrain from doing. Please try to perform a routine repair of the game from the login menu and try again. If that does not help, please try to change your DNS settings by referring to the instructions provided in #faq sub point 4.3. If the issue still persists after completing the instructions above, please reach out to the in-game customer service for further assistance.
bozoOP13mo ago
oh i didn't know sorry i did all that already none of this worked its an issue with this specific account because i can log into other of my bot accounts also not tryna be rude or anything but have u not read the msgs above cuz i litterally have said that ive tried the following steps and sent the long msg the instructions that you gave me were already given to me and it didnt work anything else i can do? cuz i have rp this szn and i need to max it or i cant get next season rp
Dyno13mo ago
Please contact the customer service for further assistance, @bozo. Refer to subpoint 5.4 in #faq for further information.

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