Want to achieve Livewire form dynamically

Hey. I have a livewire component with few forms is given below: <?php namespace App\Livewire\User\Quizzes; use App\Livewire\Forms\User\AnswerForm; use App\Livewire\Forms\User\OptionForm; use App\Livewire\Forms\User\QuestionForm; use App\Livewire\Forms\User\QuizForm; use App\Models\Quiz; use Livewire\Component; class CreateQuiz extends Component { public QuizForm $quizForm; public QuestionForm $questionForm; public function save() { dd($this->questionForm->all()); $this->validate(); Quiz::create($this->quizForm->all()); } public function render() { return view('livewire.user.quizzes.create-quiz'); } } But question is, quiz can have mutiple questions. That mean I need a collection of QuestionForm class. But I don't know how can I acquired that. Does anybody knows how to take an array of QuestionForm class? Then how can I validate array of Form?
1 Reply
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeus13mo ago
you can check #lara-zeus-bolt also https://github.com/danharrin/form-builder
GitHub - danharrin/form-builder: A demo of how to use filament/form...
A demo of how to use filament/forms to build a user-facing Form Builder which stores fields in JSON. - GitHub - danharrin/form-builder: A demo of how to use filament/forms to build a user-facing Fo...

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