Wow creation mode application approval time.

I applied for Wow Creation mode about 3 months ago. I contact Discord support I was told that if I didn't hear anything within 30 days that means my application was rejected, and I would get another chance to apply. They said wait for application result in the game inbox. Why is it taking this much time for this to be approved/denied?. I answered all application question correctly just like any other player out there. And why you created achievments for this mode when you know this will take forever to be approved. I have 9540 POINTS, and I might be ranked within top 500 if I finish these Wow Achievements. I feel like Tencent wasn't involved in this mode, and other players started it. Someone need to come here and explain what's going on in this game
3 Replies
Zuelle13mo ago
Hello there, @$ I M 0 N. :sky_bunnyflowerOwO: Time to time, the application form re-open for the people who have gotten rejected. Moreover, answering all things correctly won't make one a creator. Creator Achievement is for those who are passionate about creating, not everything is for grinding the achievement modes, WOW Creator modes is for players who have passion for creating their own maps and games. Thank you for understanding. Have a nice day & take care.
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$ I M 0 N
$ I M 0 NOP13mo ago
So when I will get a message in my game inbox related to the rejection???
Zuelle13mo ago
If you didn't receive anything within 30 business days, it is safe to say that your application isn't approved. With that being said, all you have to do is to wait for the rejection mail. Keep in mind that you cannot reapply again right after the 30 working days period. The rejection mail doesn't have a definite date of getting sent via in-game mail.

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