Can't figure out how to filter by JSON column with array data

I have a query with some joins that I have built up so far:
// not the full query
const distinctConnections = db.selectDistinct().from(schema.connections).as('dc')
// not the full query
const distinctConnections = db.selectDistinct().from(schema.connections).as('dc')
Now I am trying to join that list by filtering on the users whose eventGroups column, which is json, an array of objects, has an item with a particular key-value pair:
export const users = pgTable('users', {
eventGroups: json('eventGroups').$type<EventGroup[]>().notNull().default([]),
// ...
export const users = pgTable('users', {
eventGroups: json('eventGroups').$type<EventGroup[]>().notNull().default([]),
// ...
I've tried multiple combinations of converting to jsonb or text to try and like or ->> the values, but usually the query fails with some sort of error.
const viewerCounts = db
count: count(),
// what do I put here?
const viewerCounts = db
count: count(),
// what do I put here?
The following don't seem to work with the way the query is currently crafted:
like(schema.users.eventGroups, '%"value":"test"%')
sql`${schema.users.eventGroups} like '%"value":"test"%'`
sql`${schema.users.eventGroups}::jsonb @> '{"value":"test"}'`
sql`${schema.users.eventGroups}::jsonb @> '[{"value":"test"}]'`
like(schema.users.eventGroups, '%"value":"test"%')
sql`${schema.users.eventGroups} like '%"value":"test"%'`
sql`${schema.users.eventGroups}::jsonb @> '{"value":"test"}'`
sql`${schema.users.eventGroups}::jsonb @> '[{"value":"test"}]'`
I've tried a couple other similar query modifications with no luck. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I've read that maybe I need to use json_array_elements or similar, but not sure how that incorporates into a query like this. Thank you!
1 Reply
francis13mo ago
I'd suggest making your condition work in sql first (in a sql client), then figuring out how to translate that to drizzle. drizzle won't give you anything natively that sql doesn't already have

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