10 Replies
Hello, @ascendingeclipse! If you have recently changed your location, the changes will be applied to your region rankings of the following week.
i did it today
so i need to wait for it to change?
Yes. You will need to wait until next week, @ascendingeclipse.
so im not gonna get title right
If you are not ranked, you cannot receive the title, @ascendingeclipse. When you are ranked and you are able to maintain your position in one or more win or specialty rankings, you will receive the title accordingly. Results are calculated every Monday at 00:00 (UTC+0). The top 100 players of each region will earn titles that last for a week, starting at 01:00 (UTC+0).
new week started its still the same @Quendi
New week starts after next Monday at 00:00 (UTC+0), @ascendingeclipse. You will need to wait until then.
oh bruh
I have the same issue
Did your win count stay the same though?