Edit the logo size in the default login view page
Hello There , So I'm new to to filament and I installed it after initiating my app using Jetstream to add AUTH system , now after adding Filament to my project I guess it uses the same Jetstream AUTH system but my problem here is I want to edit the size of the logo that appears in the login page (without the one in the navbar) using tailwind classes but I cant find the right view file to edit , I run
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=filament-views
to publish the views but all what I get is the components while I'm looking for the AUTH page to edit , I don't know why I couldn't find anything about it in the documentation maybe there are some prior knowledge I should know before using filament1 Reply
it's in the file
if you want to publish it but this will affect all simple pages (register login profile etc)
or better yet, overwrite the login page
and use nay view you want