Line friends event

Every level is 200 points or it upgrades when come to new level?
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11 Replies
Quendi14mo ago
Hello, @Hejteri Owner Stjepan! Points can be used to upgrade your Prize Path level. Each level requires you to accumulate a total of 200 points. Total number of levels are 20 and total number of points you need to accumulate to reach level 20 are 4000.
Hejteri Owner Stjepan
Thanks for help then i Will buy it
Winter14mo ago
Btw we need to buy it for 600 uc to be able to access the rewards?
Quendi14mo ago
Yes. You need to unlock the prize path with 600 UC first. Glad to be of help and you are welcome!
Hejteri Owner Stjepan
@Quendi from now motors can drive over people?
Quendi14mo ago
Is your question related to the elimination broadcast of the Line Friends Lovey Dovey Motorcycle, @Hejteri Owner Stjepan?
Hejteri Owner Stjepan
Yes yes
Quendi14mo ago
You can run over enemies with motorcycle, @Hejteri Owner Stjepan. However, the damage dealt is less as compared to the other vehicles.
Hejteri Owner Stjepan
Alright thanks again
Quendi14mo ago
Anytime. You're welcome!
Hejteri Owner Stjepan

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