Refresh Filament component from a custom one

I have the following infolist
return $infolist->schema([
return $infolist->schema([
Is there a way to trigger the infolist to update from inside MyCustomComponent? I can listen for an event inside the my filament ViewRecord class, but I'm not sure how to trigger the actual update/refresh. I'd rather avoid a full page reload. Ideally, I would have the same behaviour actions have (eg only the infolist is updated)
3 Replies
Hisham Elsayad
Hisham Elsayad4mo ago
Did you figured out how ?
krekas4mo ago
Dispatch event from one component and listen for that event on another. Basic livewire
ChesterS4mo ago
What I needed was just to refresh the component, so I had this
class MyCustomComponent extends Component {}
class MyCustomComponent extends Component {}
This way the component is refreshed whenever some-event is dispatched
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