Image source not readable error while uploading file using Filament-Curator plugin

I'm using Filament-curator version 3.4 and when i try to upload to s3 I'm getting the following error. Intervention\Image\Exception\ NotReadableException PHP 8.2.7 10.40.0 Image source not readable
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5 Replies
awcodes14mo ago
More than likely it’s a permissions issue on the s3 bucket.
Roasted_carrotOP14mo ago
@awcodes I'm able to upload using regular file upload component
awcodes14mo ago
The regular FileUpload doesn’t have to read the file to get info like width and height to save on the record. The error is telling me that it can’t read that uploaded file.
Roasted_carrotOP14mo ago
This is working fine in my local environment, But for some reason when i use it in production, The file is getting uploaded in a temp directory with visibility private, is there any way i can change this behaviour?
awcodes14mo ago
if it works local and not in production then the issue is with the production server. all the uploading is done by Livewire, I can't change that behavior

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