Novu•8mo ago
Pranshu Gupta

Pricing / FAQs

Different number of events
No description
18 Replies
Pranshu Gupta
Pranshu Gupta•8mo ago
No description
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barnea•8mo ago
Hey @pranshu (rock), thanks for pointing this out. The right limit is 30K. We are right now in the process of updating the website, we will make sure to update this soon, thanks and sorry for the inconvenience. cc @justnems @Prosper @sumitsaurabh927 @Emil
justnems•8mo ago
It's been updated. Awaiting prod push now~ @pranshu (rock), thanks for calling out that FAQ mismatch! I just subitted a PR to correct it.
JD (SYT )•8mo ago
Hi On the free plan are these 30K events including sending emails with a novu provided email provider?
sumitsaurabh927•8mo ago
Hey JD, if you mean the Novu test providers (as in the image), they aren't for production
No description
JD (SYT )•8mo ago
Thanks. Does Novu provide an email provider itself for prod?
sumitsaurabh927•8mo ago
Unfortunately no
JD (SYT )•8mo ago
Does Novu recommend a provider?
sumitsaurabh927•8mo ago
Well we don't have a preference as such. You can go with any of the listed options
JD (SYT )•8mo ago
In the past I found AWS to be a pain with sending emails
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barnea•8mo ago
haha, well some provider are easier to setup (Sendgrid, Mailgun), but you need to take into account, geo as well as price AWS SES is very good if you want something that costs a bit less, have full API control, the UI is not as complex as the others :D'
JD (SYT )•8mo ago
The problems I had with AWS was when users registered with an email address and typed in a wrong address. Then AWS complained.
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barnea•8mo ago
well, that's part of what's called in many other providers the quality of your domain (bounce, open rate, spam), AWS took a more simplified approach, and complain about dead emails (which is a good thing), but I get your point
JD (SYT )•8mo ago
Thanks for the answers
Novu_Bot•8mo ago
@JD (SYT ), you just advanced to level 1!
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