Searching for an image cropper editor compatible with v2
im trying to find an image cropper form component compatible with filament v2
ive tried:
they just dont work
what would u do? (i'd migrate to v3 too but i cant in this project (yet ;))
what alternatives do i have?
11 Replies
anyone ^^ ?
fork one of those plugins and fix the errors. or write your own image cropper plugin.
that's really all you can do.
thank u. but im kinda lost on how to solve them. ill try to dig in how to fix them
What are the errors you’re seeing?
basically imagecropper is not defined
linked it to the thread cuz there i did upload an img
looking at the code it should be fine. are you manually initializing Alpine in your app.js?
yes, full file:
i mean, with other filament stuff & other plugins, works like a charm
havent modified the file
Ok. In that case somehow the plugin file is getting loaded after the app js file which is resulting in it not getting registered with alpine.
It needs to be include before alpine is started.
how can i make it to be included before alpine is started?
i need to include some vendor js from the plugin i guess or how?
can't really answer that without seeing your setup.
you could always just make your own plugin using one of those as a guide.
maybe try submitting an issue on the github repo.
it should still work.
so the plugin author will be the best person to try to get answers from.
thanks for the help 🙌