Filament14mo ago

Modal Open before validation

I have to extend the registration for panel to include Terms of Use & Policy. So, I am extending the vendor Register model by just changing the getRegisterFormAction.
Here is the code
public function getRegisterFormAction(): Action
return Action::make('register')
->action(fn () => $this->register())
public function getRegisterFormAction(): Action
return Action::make('register')
->action(fn () => $this->register())
I observed that if I don't add the action part, the modal is not triggered. I couldn't find any documentation. Though it is easy to overcome, what I see that the modal is triggered before the registration form is validated. Is this the default behaviour? Is there a way to first have the validation and then trigger the modal? Also the modal upon submit does not seem to close automatically. So if there are validation errors, it looks as though nothing has happened. Once you close the modal, then you find the errors. Again is the default behaviour? At least I hope not. Also, is there a way to close the modal when confirmation button (in this case Wizard Step) are completed? Thanks in advance for any help.
1 Reply
Athror13mo ago
I am having the same problem. Did you find any solution in the meantime?

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