Help regarding workflows
hey, so I was going through workkflows and don't really get the idea behind it? Is it supposed to be indiviual workflows for each?
38 Replies
for example I can see one usecase where rn in my app I have two different type of users (paid, non paid) so should I create workflows differently for those?
Hi @acronie
Workflow is the sequence in which notification will be sent.
ic that'll be useful for quickstart and stuff but not otherwise right
also this keeps on returning workflow not found
Are you using correct api key?
even on the website it throws workflow not foundcould you please share the environmentId from settings?
I just deleted the workflow and deleted, works now for some reason
@acronie, you just advanced to level 1!
Looks like a cache issue
Can be
Another issue where on the client it keeps on loading and doesn't show notis
shows in the activity feed.
Is in-app integration in integrations store added and active?
seems to be
it shows this but it's meant to be in-app only
it shows this tho
Do you see ay error in developer console?
Is application integration correct?
Can I not somehow abstract my notifications into one group for example if I want notis just for a particular user type abstract them under
or do i need to manually create workflows for every action like thisWould you like to share the usecase when you want to send notifications?
like I have different user types
so like group them workflows together@acronie, you just advanced to level 2!
Users can be grouped in topics
and then workflow can be triggered to that group of users (topic)
mhm not grouping user since everyone is gonna have indiviual notis
but grouping workflows if it makes sense?
Everyone will receive individual notifications
mhm got it
Grouping workflows is currently not suported
what is this tho?
is it supposed to be the redirect uri on click?
is it relative to host name or what
@acronie you can use any path url here and then need to configure notification clicked event in code
Checkout this doc:-
@acronie did you get chance to check above docs?
checking it out
Did it work for you?
Haven't put it into implementation yet
But should work from the looks of it 😄
Sure. let me know if you face any issue
DVRL-174 - docs: check if application identifier and subscriberid is picked from env variables in nextjs quickstart
Pawan Jain