Third Layer Navigation.
Im tryint to setup a third layer of navigation using the navigation builder
on the panel i defnied:
Modul is just an Model with function:
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NavigationItems is also a Model from my OLD App:
According to Dan That should already be possible
but maybe im using the parent parameter wrong?
Model Columns : ID | Modul | parent (which is just the ID of the parent in the same table) | hidden | icon | orderId | LabelDE | UrlBoot
$item->items([item item item]) to add child items to a parent
Method Filament\Navigation\NavigationItem::items does not exist.
Method Filament\Navigation\NavigationItem::items does not exist. - The error occurred at
its childItems
try childItems()
Do i have to do something esle
i only see the parent item and not the childitem
once the parent item is active, you'll be able to see the children
that means it only renders childitems when its active ?
same as how github handles third level nav
not ideal for my usecase (damn legacy compatibility)
is there a way to just set it active wenn i open the "modul" ?
like when i give it a url like #modul_parentID
Solution: `