Tailwind classes getting ignored in plugin view?

I am working on a plugin that shows some information in a grid, but no matter what I do, my Tailwind CSS classes are ignored. <div x-show="open" x-on:click.outside="open = !open" class="grid grid-cols-3" > @foreach ( $getItems() as $item ) <div class="m-1"> {{ $item }} </div> @endforeach </div> I can use "grid-cols-7". I've added the file directly to the "content" array of the tailwind conf, still nothing. Is there a way to use my own grid inside of my custom plugin? Ideally it would have been dynamic but I don't think that's possible.
If you develop a plugin: You can either compile a CSS file with the missing classes from standard Filament theme and truncate the rest. See the plugin-skeleton from awcodes. Or you instruct the user to create a custom theme and add your plugins vendor to the config.
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8 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch14mo ago
Did you create a custom theme or which tailwind.config are you using?
RustyTromboneOP14mo ago
No custom theme, it's just for a plugin where the modal shows a grid of 12 items.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch14mo ago
So what tailwind config are you editing? How do you expect your config to magically appear in the resulting CSS file? You need to create a custom theme if you need custom classes.
RustyTromboneOP14mo ago
I see
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch14mo ago
If you develop a plugin: You can either compile a CSS file with the missing classes from standard Filament theme and truncate the rest. See the plugin-skeleton from awcodes. Or you instruct the user to create a custom theme and add your plugins vendor to the config.
RustyTromboneOP14mo ago
So, there's like no plugin that wants to use it's own grid-cols size for some modal? If there was, you'd only be able to use it if you have a custom theme? Ah Yeah okay, thanks.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch14mo ago
I guess my last message answered this, right?
RustyTromboneOP14mo ago
Yeah it did, I didn't see it before sending! That's what I was struggling with, I think.

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