SolidJS / solidrouter
in vercel i have like this in my vercel.json for rewrites/routing (React + react router):
"rewrites": [{ "source": "/(.*)", "destination": "/" }]
Do you know if there is something similar for and for solidjs? (solid router). SPA application.
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railway isn't designed for frontend hosting, so this would be something your app is responsible for, my recommendation would be to use caddy, I have an example for react though, it would be very similar to what you need to to.
5 Replies
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railway isn't designed for frontend hosting, so this would be something your app is responsible for, my recommendation would be to use caddy, I have an example for react though, it would be very similar to what you need to to.
okey thanks for quick reply 😛 then i'm better of hosting our frontend on vercel
sounds good