How can use Pattern in my TextInput?

I have an input where I want to allow the entry of a maximum of 3 numbers separated from a . basically as if it were a float but instead of a comma a dot, I was searching and in the version of Filamentphp 2 it exists this: ->mask(fn (TextInput\Mask $mask) => $mask->pattern('+{7}(000)000-00-00'))
->placeholder('Ejemplo 1.70')
->placeholder('Ejemplo 1.70')
i try to use this:
->mask(function (TextInput\Mask $mask) {
->mask(function (TextInput\Mask $mask) {
But this is not working, how can do this? Thank you.
3 Replies
TranceCodeOP14mo ago
i Fix using this code!
->placeholder('Ejemplo 1.70')
/^(\d{1,3})(\d{0,2})?$/.test($input) ? $input.replace(/^(\d{1})(\d{0,2})?$/, '$1.$2') : ''
->placeholder('Ejemplo 1.70')
/^(\d{1,3})(\d{0,2})?$/.test($input) ? $input.replace(/^(\d{1})(\d{0,2})?$/, '$1.$2') : ''
However, what I do not take into account is the maximum number of characters for this input, I tried 3 or 4 and it always accepts 3.33333333333 or 4.4444444, what would be ideal is for it to accept a maximum of 1.22, that is, a maximum length of 4 with the period included...
awcodes14mo ago
I believe there is a ->pattern() modifier that will add an actual pattern attribute to the input.
MDN Web Docs
HTML attribute: pattern - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN
The pattern attribute specifies a regular expression the form control's value should match. If a non-null value doesn't conform to the constraints set by the pattern value, the ValidityState object's read-only patternMismatch property will be true.

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