error: type "serial" does not exist

I'm trying to push a generated migration: ALTER TABLE "account" ALTER COLUMN "id" SET DATA TYPE serial; ALTER TABLE "account" ALTER COLUMN "id" DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE "user" ALTER COLUMN "id" SET DATA TYPE serial; ALTER TABLE "user" ALTER COLUMN "id" DROP DEFAULT; DO $$ BEGIN ... But getting this error. Any ideas what is happening ? error: type "serial" does not exist at /Users/sfs/Devel/eldorato/node_modules/drizzle-kit/bin.cjs:24462:21 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async PgPostgres.query (/Users/sfs/Devel/eldorato/node_modules/drizzle-kit/bin.cjs:25423:21) at async Command.<anonymous> (/Users/sfs/Devel/eldorato/node_modules/drizzle-kit/bin.cjs:63260:9) { length: 89, severity: 'ERROR', code: '42704', detail: undefined, hint: undefined, position: undefined, internalPosition: undefined, internalQuery: undefined, where: undefined, schema: undefined, table: undefined, column: undefined, dataType: undefined, constraint: undefined, file: 'parse_type.c', line: '270', routine: 'typenameType' I found a reference to this might be a problem for the ALTER statement?
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1 Reply
screemoOP13mo ago
If I run the sql directly on the postgres 14 I have running, it works fine This was my own fault, I had forgotten that I needed to run the initial migration before any pushes would succeed.

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