something went wrong with pubg database really need help

i want a full explanation of what's happening bcz something went wrong with pubg database.. I have a world record in pubg Hawk-eyed medal..i have killed with awm a hacker that was driving a vehicule at 324.05km/h of speed i have that for 2 years .. for me only good memories of the game counts .. something happens they deleted it !! even my triple kills counts was 286 and now is 180.. this is unfair!
14 Replies
wiรงkรชdwiฤkโ€ข14mo ago
What are you waffling about?
๐•ฏ๐•พOPโ€ข14mo ago
i want my career record back ! there is always childish prattle on mods or what ? help or better stay quiet!
delfinโ€ข14mo ago
Hello, @๐•ฏ๐•พ! Could you please share a video recording that can illustrate this issue?
๐•ฏ๐•พOPโ€ข14mo ago
ok sir tomorrow cuz i am gonna sleep now i appreciate your help delfin thanks a lot there you can see in the end of that video my career record it was 324.05km/h .. now is 102km/h .. i want my career record back i don't have other videos it was reset to 0 like 10 days ago. i want my career record as it was before !!! it's a career record isn't related to season to reset it: means something went wrong with your database ! and trust me my triple kills badge was reset too and i won't care about it as much as that record ! i want my hawk-eyed career record back! repair your database do something i don't care. i want my record back
delfinโ€ข14mo ago
Please contact the in-game customer service for further assistance regarding this issue, @๐•ฏ๐•พ. ๐Ÿ™Œ
๐•ฏ๐•พOPโ€ข14mo ago
thanks i did few minutes ago i will wait now thanks again delfin i have sent an email .. they didn't answer at all. i am still waiting @delfin
delfinโ€ข14mo ago
Hi! Have you tried reaching out to them via in-game?
๐•ฏ๐•พOPโ€ข13mo ago
they don't answer in game..
๐•ฏ๐•พOPโ€ข13mo ago
No description
๐•ฏ๐•พOPโ€ข13mo ago
please i want my world record back , the support doesn't answer through the game .. help me please there is something happening in your database wakeup @Administrator @Moderator please help! my ing id: 5594940010
๐•ฏ๐•พOPโ€ข13mo ago
now is.. like this
No description
๐•ฏ๐•พOPโ€ข13mo ago
i want my career record back help please isn't season record that's career record! it happens in my both accounts today i've checked my second account same ... why does not one here or even game supp can do anything ?? @Piston i want my career records back! I am still waiting and.. really disappointed in pubgmobile again and again.. I've been supporting you guys for so long from the beginning.. nothing in return .. just 2 accounts banned for no reason 100% no reason .. and this now in my 5 years old accounts career record got wiped for no reason and no one can explain here or even in the game support .. after doing my best in this game and not talking about how much time the game doesn't accept huawei store payment and doesn't refund every time they take it they give 0uc.. thought my career will be forever.. that's what i get ??.. wallahi i am so disappointed in you. this is the worst experience in game i ever had. DS @here
Pistonโ€ข13mo ago
Please contact the in-game customer service for further assistance, @๐•ฏ๐•พ.
๐•ฏ๐•พOPโ€ข13mo ago
they don't answer. there is only preset answers i keep waiting to link me with customer services for nothing .. @Piston

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