How to override views components in filament

I'm wanting to override a filament component that is in the Filament Vendor. Does anyone indicate any material, or have you done, could you give a help? The component is in the following directory, I want to edit, I tried several things but I couldn't
<!-- override this file
{{ $attributes->class(['hidden w-72 flex-col gap-y-7 md:flex']) }}
@foreach ($navigation as $navigationGroup)
<!-- override this file
{{ $attributes->class(['hidden w-72 flex-col gap-y-7 md:flex']) }}
@foreach ($navigation as $navigationGroup)
This component is called on this page


8 Replies
awcodes14mo ago
Overriding views is highly discouraged since it can break at any point in time with new releases. What are you trying to do? It may be possible without overriding the view.
lordjacksonOP14mo ago
I want to diminish the width of this under-menu. In this code, I just want to change the W-72 to W-52
{{ $attributes->class(['hidden w-72 flex-col gap-y-7 md:flex']) }}
{{ $attributes->class(['hidden w-72 flex-col gap-y-7 md:flex']) }}
No description
awcodes14mo ago
yea, just use css to target it and change the width.
lordjacksonOP14mo ago
But this code is in the vendor, I can't edit it, so I'm asking for help. How to do it to override it
awcodes14mo ago
you override it using CSS. in a stylesheet you can target it and change the width.
lordjacksonOP14mo ago
Do you have any examples, how can I do in Filament?
awcodes14mo ago
doesn't look like there's a good way to select it though possibly: (this is just basic css though, it doesn't have anything to do with Filament) 🙂
ul:has(.fi-sidebar-group) {
width: 200px;
ul:has(.fi-sidebar-group) {
width: 200px;

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