Railway•6mo ago

Is Railway suitable for a WordPress site?

I'm starting to develop a wordpress ecommerce site for a side project I run and I'm curious if Railway is best suited for this use case? I'm seeing usage spike to 4gb of RAM and the site's very slow even with just myself on editing the the theme 🤔 I get the impression that Railway is meant for many small services rather than single beefy instances such as a wordpress web worker, is that a correct assumption?
11 Replies
Percy•6mo ago
Project ID: 589e04ff-5470-4393-a1c4-445abea436fa
Skowt•6mo ago
Brody•6mo ago
@gridonyx - you run wordpress on railway, costs aside, how is performance?
gridonyx•6mo ago
performance is spectacular, been running it since about August, no issues with load times or anything
Brody•6mo ago
awesome, thanks wordpress is just nginx and php, I can't call that "beefy" and to me, it spiking to 4gb is a red flag that something is done wrong
gridonyx•6mo ago
usually when i see crazy resource usage on wordpress it's caused by a plugin or some third-party essentially doing a DoS
Jack•6mo ago
usually databases with static use for me
Skowt•6mo ago
Hmmm interesting. I'm using Avada website builder on Wordpress and nothing else just yet. Maybe it's building out themes and whatnot that are spiking memory usage. I'll keep trying.
gridonyx•6mo ago
Avada can be a little resource heavy on occasion, but I do run a wordpress site for a company using Avada and WooCommerce on a digitalocean droplet that only had 1vCPU and 1GB of memory for the longest time. Just had to resize the droplet to 2GB of memory though within the past week. But definitely keep an eye on it, and see if it gets any worse, better, or stays the same.
Blastoise84•4mo ago
Is there anyway to tune the MySQL costs? I have a low traffic site that is costing me $8/mo on Railway, when it would be overprovisioned on a $5/mo Digital ocean VPS.
Brody•4mo ago
yes there is, please open a new #✋|help thread